Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My frame of reference

All things on the home front!!

My first recollection of my mother sewing a garment for me, was a beautiful pink satin nightgown. This was created from the satin used in her wedding dress, which she dyed a rose-pink colour. Needless to say, I felt special. Then at the age of 12, I inherited my favourite granny's singer machine. Just at the age when I was starting home economics at secondary school. From there on after, I was hooked.
My father had green fingers and was adept at planting and tending flourishing fruit trees. Grafting was his speciality. Needless to say, we had fruit in abundance. Therefore my mother became a fundi in the art of preserving. Whole green fig preserve and other preserves were savoured all year round. With three brothers, my mother was always cooking and baking.

The stage was set! I was going to try to follow in my mother's footsteps. Big shoes to fill!!

So in memory of Susanna Katrina, I have create this blog.


  1. I wish you all the best with your blogging journey! Thank you for your comment too; I took all the good advice seriously :)

  2. I actually started this blog yesterday, as I have been so inspired by your blog Carolyn. But being a total novice in the field of blogging, I thought I would just start it quietly, just me, myself, and I, and then one day in the distant future, I was going to inform my children about the blog. Ha ha - forgot about the privacy settings!! So I am live, as it were!
    Thanks for the good wishes, but I am not nearly as eloquent or proficient as you are in the english language! I have actually wondered if you took up journalism as a study. Being a working girl, I will not be blogging as regularly as you. I must admit that I can't wait to log into your blog to see what you were up to the during the day. So inspiring!!

  3. Thank you Rianna!
    I came here to reply to your comment regarding dyeing your jumper... dyeing can be unpredictable, and give results quite different to what you might expect! So I would very wary of dyeing anything very precious to you, especially if you put hours of work into it, like your recently completed hand-knitted jumper! I would start out with a Tshirt or something :)

  4. Hey Sis....look forward to future posts and enjoy the prelude!
