My husband was hospitalised on Sunday night at 9 o'clock for two fractured ribs (which was excrutiating painful, but not the problem) and a punctured lung (this was the problem!!!!) I had visions of him floating up to the ceiling the way he was blowing up. Scarey indeed if you don't know what is going on.
I would like to hang my hat on this disruptive weekend being the reason for my knitting the last sleeve of my 100% cotton jersey differently from the first one! Can I blame my husband? For my own pride's sake, I think I will. Photos to follow - of the jersey (now that the offending sleeve has been unravelled right to the start), not of my husband - it could be distressing for other viewers.
But being me, what was wrong had to be righted - regardless of whether anyone else would notice.
The finished garment will hopefully, after consultation with Carolyn on dyeing tips, be worth the effort.
I hope your husband gets well soon :)